Celebrating Cesarean Births: Empowering Moms with Knowledge and Community

Hey there! Did you know that April is Cesarean Awareness Month? It's the perfect opportunity to dive deeper into the world of c-section births and celebrate the indomitable spirit of moms who've had them. As a mom who's had three c-sections, a postnatal kinesiologist, and the proud founder of the Kinetic Motherhood Performance Studio, I am passionate about sharing the facts and my personal stories.

Here's a striking fact: the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that only 10-15% of births should be c-sections. But guess what? In the U.S., almost 32% of births are c-sections! That's more than double the WHO's suggested rate. We need a change in how we handle childbirth in our country.

Even though c-sections are super common, they're often misunderstood. Many women don't know the full story - the pros and cons or the recovery process. I'm on a mission to change that. This month and every month, I'm here to shed light on the reality of c-sections and bust myths, and arm you with the information you need for your childbirth journey.

Let's Get Real About Cesarean Birth

Despite cesarean births being pretty common, there are so many misconceptions floating around. Many people don't fully understand why a cesarean birth might be necessary, what it involves, and how the recovery process works.

Cesarean birth might not always be the first choice, but it's an important part of the childbirth conversation. Before you walk into a hospital to give birth, you need to know that a cesarean birth isn't just an alternative to vaginal delivery.

It can be a lifesaver and the safest option for both mom and baby when complications arise. But also, know that certain environments, positioning, medications, and more can increase your risk of a c-section. So, go into childbirth with the confidence to tell when you're in a life-threatening situation or when you're being led down a path of hospital interventions that often result in a c-section.

Like any surgery, a cesarean birth has its own set of risks and requires a longer recovery period compared to a vaginal birth. This is why I believe expectant moms must have a comprehensive childbirth education that includes cesarean birth prep, even if a cesarean birth isn’t their first option. This education should not only include preparation for a natural birth but also in-depth information about cesarean births, even if a cesarean birth isn’t their first or preferred option. Additionally, cesarean birth moms need to receive further, specialized education post-op on how to rehabilitate their core muscle groups and effectively care for their scars.

I believe every mom deserves the right support, especially when it comes to cesarean births. Click the picture below or this link for personalized cesarean birth preparation or rehabilitation designed to provide the care and guidance you need.

Welcome to the Kinetic Motherhood Squad

By openly sharing my cesarean birth stories during my one-on-one consultations, I've formed some incredible bonds. We've found comfort in the shared knowledge that we're not alone. It constantly reminds us how strong and resilient we are as moms. I'm here to educate, support, and empower you with the knowledge and advice that fits your unique journey and challenges.

Let's celebrate the beauty of every birth, no matter how it happens. At KMP Studio, cesarean birth moms are celebrated, supported, and empowered to embrace motherhood with strength, confidence, and pride.

'Kinesiology for Motherhood: Building Strength, Confidence, and Community' isn't just a tagline – it's my mission and promise to you.

If you're a cesarean mom ready to start your rehab journey, you're in the right place. Download my free guide to C-birth Rehab Guide today.

Inside this guide, you'll find expert advice, foundational exercises for c-birth rehab, and practical tips designed specifically for cesarean moms like you. Whether in the early stages of postpartum recovery or seeking to regain strength months or even years after your cesarean, this guide is your roadmap to success.



Free Download

Click the image for your Complete Guide to Getting Started with Cesarean Birth Rehab for Better Core Strength Today


Using a Wall for Effective Core Rehab


The Power of Core Strength for C-Section Moms