Environmental Changes for Long-Lasting Health and Wellness
The secret to making lasting changes in your life and creating habits you will stick to isn’t about choosing the perfect routine but more about adjusting your environment to accommodate these new habits. Choosing your habits and routines is only the first step. If your home and work environment isn’t set up to help put these habits into place, you might be unintentionally self-sabotaging yourself. Making simple changes to your surroundings can be a great way to jumpstart your healthy lifestyle. These environmental changes can help you with your nutrition and fitness goals, productivity, self-care, and keeping your house clean.
Environmental Changes for Nutrition and Fitness
Regarding your physical health, everything in your environment can make a difference in your success. Whether you are trying to eat healthier or you want to start a new fitness program, the motivation often comes from what you see around you.
Here are some tips for adjusting your environment to help support healthy lifestyle changes:
Keep healthy food visible and within reach
If you go to the kitchen in the morning and see a box of donuts or muffins, that will probably be what your mind instinctively wants. Not because you crave it but because your eyes can influence your choices. Get rid of junk food. Don't keep tempting junk food around if you wish for healthier options. Remove the cookies, chips, and candy from your pantry and replace them with healthy snacks like nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. When the unhealthy stuff is out of sight, it will be out of mind, making it easier to resist temptation.
A better option is to keep your healthy food out where you can see it or within reach. Put out a fruit bowl on the counter instead of baked goods. Have your healthy foods in the refrigerator towards the front of the shelves instead of hidden away in drawers. Keep healthy snacks where you can grab them quickly and easily.
Place your healthy cooking appliances on the counter
You probably have quite a few appliances in your kitchen, so you don’t have room for them on the counter all at once. The best thing you can do for a healthy lifestyle leaving out the appliances you use for healthy cooking, is to keep the thought of it in your mind every time you are in your kitchen.
This might include a blender, food processor, air fryer, or pressure cooker. The more you see them, the more inclined you will be to use them to make healthy food.
Invest in some quality cookware
Invest in some quality cookware if you plan to cook more at home. Good pots and pans can make all the difference in making healthy meals. They'll heat evenly, which means less sticking and burning, and they'll make cleanup a breeze. You don't need to break the bank on top-of-the-line brands, but something mid-range will do the trick nicely. Not to mention with nicer cookware, you may reduce your exposure to the toxins commonly found in cookware.
Create a designated workout space
If you don't have a place to work out at home, it can be tough to stay motivated. Create a dedicated space for working out, even if it's just a corner of your living room. Having a designated area will help you stay focused on your fitness goals.
Lay out your workout clothes and shoes
The best thing you can do for workouts is to make sure your workout clothes are easy to grab so you have no excuses. Change your workout clothes after you wake up so you don't have to run, head to the gym, or do a home workout.
Environmental Changes for Better Productivity
Your environment also makes a difference when increasing your productivity. It's no secret that our physical environment directly impacts our mood and productivity. After all, who can focus on work when a pile of laundry is staring you in the face? Or when your home office is so cluttered you can't even find your laptop? If you regularly wake up to a messy, cluttered bedroom or go to your office and barely have enough room on your desk to get work done, you probably won't. You need a clear and organized work environment for better focus and concentration. If you're looking for a boost in productivity, changing your physical environment is a great place to start.
Here are simple changes you can make that significantly impact your productivity levels.
Declutter your workspace
One of the quickest and easiest ways to boost your productivity is to declutter your workspace. A cluttered desk or countertop can be a significant distraction, making it harder to find what you need when you need it.
Take some time to go through your workspace and eliminate anything you don't need. Keep only the essentials within arm's reach to avoid wasting time searching for things. Once you've decluttered, clean your workspace—a clean space will help you feel more focused and organized.
Change up your scenery
If you're stuck in a productivity rut, one of the best things you can do is change your scenery. Sometimes all we need is a change of scenery to jumpstart our productivity. So if you've been working at the same desk in the same room day after day, try working in a different room or even taking your work outside! Just a tiny change can make a big difference.
Let in some natural light
Another simple change that can make a big difference in your productivity is letting in natural light. According to a study from Northwestern Medicine, exposure to natural light during the day can help improve sleep at night and increase energy levels during the day. So if you're feeling sluggish at work, try opening the blinds or taking your work outside for fresh air and vitamin D.
Move your desk
If possible, try moving your desk closer to a window with a view of nature - even if it's just a tree or two. If that's not an option, try hanging some artwork or photos that make you happy or add motivational quotes to inspire you throughout the day.
Add some plants to your space
Plants make any space look more inviting and can also help boost your mood and productivity levels. Studies have shown that being around plants can help reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function, which are essential for maintaining high productivity.
If you don't have much green thumb, don't worry—plenty of low-maintenance plants are perfect for busy people. Some good options include succulents, snake plants, and spider plants. Just a few strategically placed plants can make a big difference in how productive you feel in your space.
Environmental Changes for Self-Care
We all know that self-care is essential. But sometimes, it's hard to find the time or energy to do things for ourselves when we constantly care for others. However, some easy physical and environmental changes you can make will help you fit self-care into your daily routine. Here are five of them:
Get a diffuser
A diffuser is a great way to add relaxation and aromatherapy to your home. All you need is essential oils and water; you can choose the scent that best suits your mood.
Add some plants
Not only do plants look nice, but they also help purify the air. So if you're looking for a way to improve indoor air quality, consider adding some plants to your home.
Get a white noise machine
If you have trouble sleeping at night or concentrating during the day, a white noise machine can help. White noise can mask other sounds and help you focus or relax.
Change your lighting
Soft, warm lighting is more relaxing than harsh fluorescent light. So if you want to create a more comfortable environment, try changing your light bulbs or adding lamps with softer lightbulbs to your home.
Create an oasis
Whether you're a corner of your bedroom or an entire room, dedicate one space in your home as your oasis where you can relax and rejuvenate. Fill it with things that make you happy and ensure it's always clean so you can retreat to it whenever you need a break from the chaos of everyday life. Finish it with cozy touches like a weighted blanket, pillows, and candles to make your space warm and inviting - perfect for relaxing after a long day. When you feel good in your surroundings, taking care of yourself physically and mentally is much easier.
Environmental Changes for a Cleaner Home
Lastly, some environmental changes can help with any habits related to cleaning or housework. You probably have household chores you do without thinking about, like laundry and washing dishes, but many other chores often get pushed aside.
Here are some tips for changing your environment to make it easier to get your housework done:
Use cues to trigger cleaning habits
One of the ways you can build habits is by using cues that trigger that habits. For example, if you keep your outdoor broom next to your laundry room, you will likely clean up your patio every week on laundry day, and one habit triggers the other habit.
Set timers for cleaning sprees
If you don't have time to dedicate entire days of the week to household chores, give yourself mini sessions every day. Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and clean as much as possible. You can use your phone or get kitchen timers for different areas of your home.
Organize your cleaning supplies and stock up
Always keep your cleaning supplies organized. They should be where they are easy to find and easy to reach. If they are organized, you will be much more inclined to use them regularly.
Stock up on the basics like soap, sponges, and scrub brushes. You should also invest in specialized cleaning supplies like carpet or window cleaners. And remember the trash bags!
Invest in quality storage solutions.
If decluttering isn't an option for you, or if you want to keep some of your belongings out in the open, investing in quality storage solutions is a great way to reduce the cleaning you must do. Look for storage solutions that are easy to clean and offer ample space for all of your belongings. This will help keep your home organized and looking tidy without a lot of effort on your part.
Make sure your home is well-ventilated
One of the best ways to reduce dust is to ensure it's well-ventilated. Open up those windows and doors and let in some fresh air! This will help reduce the dust on surfaces in your home and make spring cleaning much more manageable.
It can be tough to make lasting changes, but you can set yourself up for success by implementing a few minor tweaks to your environment. Whether making sure your kitchen is stocked with healthy foods or dedicating a specific spot for working out, creating an environment that supports your goals will help you stay on track and achieve long-term health and wellness. Take a look at your surroundings and see how you can adjust them to help support your goals.
What are some of the ways you've changed your environment to support your health and wellness goals? Let me know in the comments! I'd love to hear about your favorite tips and tricks! In the meantime, happy, healthy living!